How Unorthodoxy Could Boost Your Productivity


Unorthodoxy is the fifth characteristic of the Productivity Ninja – and the theme of the month here at Think Productive. When applied properly, an unorthodox approach to work can have profound benefits on your productivity, defying the conventions of traditional time management training.

So, what exactly does Unorthodoxy mean to the Productivity Ninja?

Knowing that it’s the end result that counts

A Productivity Ninja approaches work with the mindset to focus on the end result first, and work backwards from there. Don’t feel inclined to stick to the conventional way of doings things – if it ultimately works out to be more efficient, there’s nothing wrong with a little unconventionality!

Being prepared to think outside of the box

Sometimes it can be helpful to inject some fresh thinking into a situation, and try to look at a problem through the lens of somebody completely different. Think: how would an accountant/a six year old/your favourite superhero/your mother approach this problem? Be creative, and let yourself take inspiration from unusual or unlikely places.

Learning from others

It’s important to not be too proud or embarrassed to ask for advice, and to take every learning opportunity that you can. Allow yourself to be mentored, to model success on that of others, and to learn from their mistakes. There’s no shame in adopting this kind of collaborative approach, either; the only thing that matters is whether you get there, not how.

Asking questions

Unorthodoxy is all about challenging the status quo, and being on a constant lookout for new and innovative ways of doing things. This means not being afraid to question current methods and practices. If something is done a certain way just because “that’s the way it’s always been done”, be open to effective alternatives!

As part of Unorthodoxy Month, throughout July we’ll be sharing 31 unorthodoxy-related challenges on Twitter, to aid you in your personal productivity training.

Learn more about unorthodoxy (and the other eight Ninja characteristics) in Graham Allcott’s How to be a Productivity Ninja.

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