Our Values

Since our formation in 2009, we have inspired some of the world’s leading companies to do their best work. We like to think our clients trust us to do this work because of who we are, what we stand for, and the way we approach our work.

We have been a global remote team for many years. Our culture is not predicated on things like watercoolers and fussball tables, but on things like playfulness and kindness.

Our Vision

A world where work is what we love to do, not just what we have to do.

Our Mission

Inspiring and equipping people and organizations to transform work for the better.

Our Values

Psychology before Technology

When it comes to productivity, leadership, personal development and so much more, the keys to competence and impact are in how we think, not in some shiny new tools or model.

Human, not Superhero

We’re ambitious and our standards are high, but we know that we – like everyone else – are human, not superhero. We reject the unhelpful perfectionism and ‘guru-mentality’ that seems to pervade a lot of the personal development and business worlds.

We Walk Our Talk

Everything we teach, we practice. Passionately. We’re happy to show you sometime too.

Trust and Kindness are our Rocketfuel

When you’re kind, you build empathy and psychological safety, which aids creativity, problem-solving, healthy conflict and a high performance culture. Kindness as a strength, not a weakness. Trust is the lubricant to every business transaction.

We’re an integrity-first company

We believe in doing the ‘right’ thing by making decisions that will lead to the highest form of good, even if that isn’t always in our best interest. Some examples of our integrity in action are:

  • Turning down work from organisations whose ethics go against our code of conduct.
  • Referring new business opportunities to other providers if we feel we are not best placed to help.
  • Owning mistakes we have made as opposed to hiding them or attempting to pass the buck.
  • Offering discounted rates for our workshops to charities, public sector organisations and small businesses.

Universal Learning

We believe strongly in the principles of Universal Learning. This means:

  • Giving all learners an equal opportunity to succeed.
  • Offering flexibility in the way learners access material and show what they know.
  • Seeking different ways to keep learners motivated and engaged.

Find out more about our Universal Learning principles here, and more about how we work at Think Productive here.