Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Unlock self-awareness. Unleash success.

Are you or your team technically proficient but struggling to consistently do your best work?

Often what’s needed to unlock a potentially highly engaged, motivated and successful team is the ability of its team members and leaders to manage the emotions that get in the way.

That’s where Emotional Intelligence comes in. Emotional Intelligence can be the difference between teams that cope and teams that excel.

During this masterclass, you will have the opportunity to consider your own level of Emotional Intelligence and that of others too. You will be given a framework to understand why we behave as we do and how to change this if needed.

You’ll build up a strong combination of emotional awareness, self-management, and social skills and find navigating work relationships easier and more rewarding for you and your colleagues.

Life changing is how I would describe Think productive methods.


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We're passionate about creating real change that lasts and truly embedding new habits. That's why every workshop participant gets exclusive access to The Productivity Ninja Academy

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