To create great comms you need to be able to identify the right comms channel for your message to land correctly, with impact and with clarity and the right intended tone.
In our Supercharge Your Team Comms workshop, we introduce our workshop participants to POPP (we love an acronym 😉) as a method to identify the best tool for your comms.
So, before you send out any piece of comms, take some time to think about the:
Purpose – what is this purpose of this piece of comms? Why am I even sending this email or setting up this meeting?
Outcome – what result am I looking for here?
Priority – is this urgent? Is it important? What level of urgency or importance can you put on this? This will help you decide on the comms channel that is most appropriate.
People – who do I need involved? Who do I need to share/tell/ask about this particular piece of comms?
Here is an example from the workshop of how the POPP model works:

So, before you hit send on that email, or set up that Zoom meeting, run through POPP to be sure that you’re using the most impactful comms tool at your disposal.
And check out our CALM tool, which along with our POPP method will make sure your comms are never ignored!